In 2002, China's family policy began to implement complete birth control on the population-a family could only have one child; in 2016, the one-child policy was canceled. In this short period of 14 years, generations and generations of Chinese families have been subjugated by the government. I made this video by shooting with DV, and I got the low-quality effect I wanted, and I also searched many abandoned home videos from 2002-2016 and some footage on the Internet to create this video. It is mainly composed of close-ups of some characters and scenarios; from the video, you can see children in kindergarten, marriages, faceless people, abortion wards and beds, the one-child policy, some people dressed as pigs eating...only people like us, who have experienced the birth control policy, have a say, but in this video, I did not use strong satire. Instead, I tried to make this work from the point of view of emotions and collective memory.
To permit
Video-Installation, silent, 2'20'', dimensions variable, 2020